dimanche 9 juin 2019

but even fish eventually drown

as I put down my pride the fever grew on me 
burnt skin, itching 
I no longer cry when I suffer great deals of pain 
I only gain respect by pulling out the second someone gets too close 
salt on the rug, praying on my flat knees
sand off my pants 
love at bay 
when I start to crave for something bigger 
I feel disarmed and doomed
for I can never access what it is
I only long for it everyday 
a blurry "it" 
that will stay a mystery through the long passing years 
disparate clouds and empty tears 
my heart will be kept afar from my preoccupations
and I’ll keep on walking until death comes for me 
I’ll be physically still but moving inside
even growling, 
or maybe crawling
the floor is as disgusting
as the disastrous conflict inside of my head
will I ever feel free ? 
from all those questions that haunt me down until the day fades away ?
I don’t think I’ll ever escape it
it’s my journey, it’s my destiny

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