mardi 16 février 2016


Sometimes you wonder what you give other people to see of you as you don't even know what you are. Five feets to the left and insecure, you worry about what they identify at your sight because you can't float over yourself to check it out. You'd like to control what your reflexion looks like. If it was possible, you'd make them think what you'd want them to think of you. But you can't. So you just sit there uncomfortably, hoping for your looks to match your expectations but then again maybe they don't. 

lundi 15 février 2016

An untitled one

If one day my head explodes then I won't be one anymore.
My time wasted, I look at the red sun, my eyes half closed.
And my throat feels burnt. I need to let it all out as my mouth tastes sour.
Could it be worse when the heart starts beating so slow that my whole spirit melts down on you?
Because I feel lost in my head and my body is shaking out of lust,
so craving for attention, I scratch your back and you look at mine.
I don't know wether your smile is genuine or not even if great things happen I heard,
but in a day you can disappear suddenly and I'll be left sad and nothing we'll matter anymore.
Bitting my tongue, the salty water will crawl from my eyes to my soul, again.